Tufts University
University Profiles
To help explain the value and impact of donations to The Tufts Fund we developed a series of informational brochures that profiled professors, students, and alumni. Each of those profiled brought his or her personal story and perspective to bear when discussing the importance of supporting the fund. This proved to be a very effective tool for communicating a real-world, tangible rationale for support.
Immersive, full-bleed portraits and pull quotes helped to further underscore the importance of philanthropy in the lives of each of those profiled.

Class Reunion Appeal
Reunion based appeals can be very effective tools. Here are two for the class of 2002 that make use of slightly different approaches.

Annual Fund Mailer
This mailer unfolded into a small poster that features a numerical collage of fun facts about Tufts. The reader learns (or is reminded of) just how impressive Tufts really is. They are also reminded that their support is critical to the continuing success of the university.

Drop in the Bucket Appeal
Many people feel that their small donations don't have an impact and are but a “drop in the bucket” in the broader scheme of things. This appeal contradicts that notion and explains that even small donations or “drops” cause ripples that do indeed have an impact beyond their immediate surroundings.